Savannah Zwi's unusual trio balances NEW FORMS OF SONIC EXPRESSION and good old POP MUSIC APPEAL.
Three bold musicians of diverse backgrounds unite to FIGHT THE FORCES of MUSICAL EVIL, their arsenal a pallet of moods and emotions – from heart wrenchingly romantic to audaciously crunchy.
Always ADVENTUROUS and filled with a LOVE OF MUSIC.

An accomplished vocalist, pianist and harpist SAVANNAH is a native of Sydney AUSTRALIA.
She has spent the last few years living in Israel, and garnering a loyal fan base. After fronting the Metal outfit XAMAVAR, she released her debut solo album to critical acclaim.
During this time the trio formed as Savannah's main live group and over time developed their UNIQUE SOUND. This quirky combination of musical styles ranging from JAZZ to CABARET to CLASSICAL CHAMBER MUSIC with a contemporary twist makes them a hard ensemble to pin down, but this is probably the source of their CHARM.

Double bass player NOAM ELRON is a freelance musician with extensive experience in Jazz and Classical music. He composes and arranges for FILM AND THEATRE. Noam is an EXPERT in acoustics and audio signal processing, working on a variety of enterprises related to the PRO-AUDIO INDUSTRY.
Violin prodigy TOMER EINAT is the youngest member of the team. He recently graduated from his degree in Composition at the JERUSALEM ACADEMY of Music and Dance. He performs with the ISRAELI ANDALUSIAN
ORCHESTRA, and sings tenor voice with the Academy's highly regarded CHAMBER CHOIR.
One of the reasons for the trio's immense success is the apparent FRIENDSHIP and MUSICAL CHEMISTRY between the musicians – something about these good vibes translates well on stage, and has proven to CONQUER all AUDIENCES.
In the past six years the trio has performed in every corner of Israel and has caught the attention of audiences from both the Jazz and Classical world. In 2011 they received a number of GRANTS from sources including ACUM and the MINISTRY OF CULTURE to record their debut album.
In 2014 the Stringz was honoured to be one of the inaugurating performances of the PALM JAZZ FESTIVAL (GLIWICE, POLAND).
This year (2016) they had a second highly successful tour to Poland where they performed in the SINGERA FESTIVAL (WARSAW) and JAZZ & LITERATURE FESTIVAL (CHORZÓW).
See some videos by following the links: